Sunday, April 24, 2011

Renfaire (3)

Cooler than Second weekend - not a whole lot else of note that I can remember at the moment.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Renfaire (2)

Second week.

I miss last weekend's weather. It was 97 degrees on Saturday, and drier than that Silica stuff they put in shoe-boxes to keep out the moisture.

Had to wet my drum about every minute or so just to keep from shredding it with the tipper. The heat and dry was sucking the water right back out of the skin.

I was drinking non-alcoholic fluids ALL DAY, without stopping, and STILL managed to be pretty seriously dehydrated by the end of the day. I don't know how the pub-crawlers survived.

My little sister came out and got some good shots of our dance show. I was thrilled - just wish I had gotten pictures of the two of us together, that would have been nice.

Apparently, Sammy Hagar showed up too.

Sunday (today) was cooler - by about 5 degrees... but it wasn't nearly as dry. It was almost nice. About another 5 or 10 degrees would have been lovely.

Weather prediction for next weekend is rain. I'm looking forward to it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Renfaire (1)

Opening weekend was great.

Cool weather, threatening rain... never actually rained, but it was still nice.

The Saturday morning dance show was a failgasm - the group dances fell apart, my drum was a little too wet, so it was hard to hear, and the people standing in the back just stood there like zombies.

The rest went better. Drum was drier by the second show, and Sunday was only partly cloudy, and not quite so humid. The dancers seem to have worked out the kinks - at least most of them - and the rest of the zombies learned to clap.